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Article Details

  • Article Code : FIRAT-AKADEMI-8059-5657
  • Article Type : Araştırma Makalesi
  • Publication Number : 5A0209
  • Page Number : 43-54
  • Doi : 10.12739/NWSA.2024.19.1.5A0209
  • Abstract Reading : 88
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Issue Details

  • Year : 2024
  • Volume : 19
  • Issue : 1
  • Number of Articles Published : 5
  • Published Date : 1.01.2024

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Ecological Life Sciences

Serial Number : 5A
ISSN No. : 1308-7258
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues


Nizam Kaya1 , Tuncay ATEŞŞAHİN2 , Orhan Fulin3

This study, conducted between 2016 and 2023, utilized photographs, videos taken during scuba diving, and expert opinions to provide a comprehensive overview of each period. Despite Pontastacus leptodactylus not being a native species of Keban Dam Lake, it has adapted to the environment over the years and has become economically important for fishing. This article aimed to identify various shelter types used by this crayfish species in Keban Dam Lake. It has been observed that crayfish in Keban Dam Lake utilize a wide range of shelters, including natural rocks, crevices, and even discarded objects such as submerged plastic bottles. The sizes of these shelters vary, ranging from 10 to 15 cm in diameter, and depths range from 20 to 40 cm. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct experimental studies in natural environments to explore the use of shelter types in natural habitats.

Shelter type, Pontastacus leptodactylus, Keban Dam Lake, Habitat Preferences, Diving,



Nizam Kaya (1)

Fırat Üniversitesi
nizamkaya@gmail.com | 0000-0003-4543-7292

Tuncay ATEŞŞAHİN (2) (Corresponding Author)

Fırat University
tatessahin@firat.edu.tr | 0000-0001-9168-5444

Orhan Fulin (3)

Fırat Üniversitesi
orhanfulin@gmail.com | 0000-1111-1122-3333

Supporting Institution


Project Number



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