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Article Details

Issue Details

  • Year : 2024
  • Volume : 19
  • Issue : 4
  • Number of Articles Published : 4
  • Published Date : 1.10.2024

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Ecological Life Sciences

Serial Number : 5A
ISSN No. : 1308-7258
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues


Muhammet BULUT1 , Tuncay ATEŞŞAHİN2

Recreational fishing is a widely practiced activity both in our country and around the world. While fishing was once done with simple tools, it now shows great variety due to the use of plastics. Studies on using these plastic waste materials and their potential harm to aquatic habitats have remained limited. Plastic waste and microplastics (<5 mm) in marine and freshwater environments have become a significant concern due to their harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems, the fishing and tourism industries, and human health. Therefore, it is necessary to prefer environmentally friendly fishing equipment that causes less harm to nature and to reduce the use of heavy metals like lead. However, data on pollution levels caused by recreational fishing in marine and freshwater environments are difficult to obtain and limited. Pollution caused by recreational fishing, which is often carried out away from public view, is not considered significant compared to general aquatic pollution. In conclusion, to the environmental impacts of recreational fishing, it is important to raise awareness through education, promote alternative natural materials, enforce legal regulations, and implement inspections.

Recreational Fishing, Plastics, Pollution, Sustainable Fishing, Environment,



Muhammet BULUT (1)

bulut@firat.edu.tr | 0009-0007-1913-1122

Tuncay ATEŞŞAHİN (2) (Corresponding Author)

Fırat University
tatessahin@firat.edu.tr | 0000-0001-9168-5444

Supporting Institution


Project Number



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