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Article Details

  • Article Code : FIRAT-AKADEMI-9241-5480
  • Article Type : Araştırma Makalesi
  • Publication Number : 5A0171
  • Page Number : 124-130
  • Doi : 10.12739/NWSA.2022.17.3.5A0171
  • Abstract Reading : 531
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Issue Details

  • Year : 2022
  • Volume : 17
  • Issue : 3
  • Number of Articles Published : 5
  • Published Date : 1.07.2022

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Ecological Life Sciences

Serial Number : 5A
ISSN No. : 1308-7258
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues


Sibel DOĞAN 1 , Şükrü ÖNALAN2

The most important problem encountered in fish farming is fish diseases. One of these diseases is parasitic diseases that cause very harmful results on the host such as peeling-exploiting, mechanical functional, and toxic effects in fish. Parasitic diseases cause great economic losses by causing the death of fish from time to time. In this study, the survival times of the N. rutili parasite obtained from the intestines of Capoeta trutta fish after catching fish, after an autopsy, and after freezing were investigated. An autopsy was performed 51 hours after the fish was caught, and it was observed that the live parasites were collected and kept alive for 15 hours by keeping them in physiological saline. Some parasites, on the other hand, were frozen and kept at -20°C after being taken from the host, and after 19 days, they were taken from the cabinet and kept in room conditions, and it was observed that they continued to live. Since parasites, which can survive even after leaving their host, cause extremely harmful effects on fish during their stay, studies to combat parasites should be carried out; The consumption of fish, which contains valuable nutrients for human health, is important for the economy of the country.

Fish Diseases, Capoeta trutta, Neoechinorhynchus rutili, Fish Parasites, Vitality,



Sibel DOĞAN (1) (Corresponding Author)

Fırat University
sbarata@firat.edu.tr | 0000-0003-4569-5435

Şükrü ÖNALAN (2)

sukruonalan@yandex.com | 0000-0003-0058-5232

Supporting Institution


Project Number



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