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Article Details

  • Article Code : FIRAT-AKADEMI-8227-3769
  • Article Type : Araştırma Makalesi
  • Publication Number : E0043
  • Page Number : 68-79
  • Doi : 10.12739/NWSA.2018.13.2.E0043
  • Abstract Reading : 799
  • Download : 151
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Issue Details

  • Year : 2018
  • Volume : 13
  • Issue : 2
  • Number of Articles Published : 4
  • Published Date : 1.04.2018

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Qualitative Studies

Serial Number : E
ISSN No. : 1308-724X
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues


Esra Tuğrul Tunç1

Concrete is one of the most important building materials of engineering structures and especially construction applications. Since compressive strength is the most effective parameter for determining the strength of concrete, it is one of the most important mechanical properties to be determined in concrete. Aggregate grain strength, aggregate granulometry, cement strength, water/cement ratio, and concrete fill rate are the most important factors affecting the compressive strength of concrete. The quality of concrete is directly related to the aggregate that is volumetrically found most in the concrete. It is suggested that high strength, hard, easy to obtain and easy to access basalt aggregates are preferred to obtain high-performance concrete. The present study aims to investigate the fresh and hardened concrete properties of the concrete produced by the basalt aggregates extracted in the Elazig region. For this purpose, concrete mixtures containing cement dosages of 300, 350 and 400 kg/m3 and containing different sizes of basalt aggregates were prepared. The concrete compressive strengths were tested for cubic samples of 150x150x150mm and 100x100x100mm, while the tensile splitting strengths were tested for cubic samples of 150x150x150mm.

Basalt Aggregate , Concrete, Mechanical Properties, Fresh and Hardened Concrete Properties , Sem Analyses,



Esra Tuğrul Tunç (1) (Corresponding Author)

esratugrul@firat.edu.tr | 0000-0001-9071-774X

Supporting Institution


Project Number



[1] Açıkgenç, M., Arazsu, U., and Alyamaç, K.E., (2012). Strength and Durability Properties of Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete with Different Mixture Proportions. Süleyman Demirel University, International Journal of Technological Sciences, 4(3), 41-54 (in Turkish).