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Article Details

  • Article Code : NWSA-2405-1417
  • Article Type : Araştırma Makalesi
  • Publication Number : 1A0064
  • Page Number : 48-54
  • Doi : 10.12739/
  • Abstract Reading : 7282
  • Download : 3572
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Issue Details

  • Year : 2010
  • Volume : 5
  • Issue : 1
  • Number of Articles Published : 9
  • Published Date : 1.01.2010

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Engineering Sciences

Serial Number : 1A
ISSN No. : 1308-7231
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues



ABSTRACT In this study, it was investigated to effects of temperature on biological phosphorus removal (BPR) in two anaerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor fed with acetate and glucose. In both reactors, sludge retention time was 10 days and hydraulic retention time was 12 hours. The studies were made at 20o C, 25oC, 30oC and 35oC, respectively. The optimum temperature for biological phosphorus removal in both acetate and glucose-fed anaerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor was 20oC.

Biological Phosphorus Removal, Temperature Effect, Sequencing Batch Reactor, Phosphorus Release, COD Uptake,



Engin GÜRTEKİN (1) (Corresponding Author)

Fırat Üniversitesi

Supporting Institution


Project Number



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