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Article Details

  • Article Code : NWSA-4596-2352
  • Article Type : Araştırma Makalesi
  • Publication Number : 4C0094
  • Page Number : 331-341
  • Doi : 10.12739/
  • Abstract Reading : 1129
  • Download : 142
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Issue Details

  • Year : 2011
  • Volume : 6
  • Issue : 2
  • Number of Articles Published : 17
  • Published Date : 1.04.2011

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Humanities Sciences

Serial Number : 4C
ISSN No. : 1308 7320
Release Interval (in a Year) : 4 Issues


Behiye Köksel 1

Orhon Yazytlary, sosyal kurumlaryn en temel, en önemli parçasy olan aile kurumu ve kadyn konusunda önemli bilgiler sunmaktadyr. Ara?tyrmalarymyzda bu konuyla ilgili herhangi bir çaly?maya rastlamadyk. Toplum ve aile içindeki rolü günümüzde hâlâ tarty?ylan kadynyn, Köktürk Yazytlary’ndaki ve onun y?y?ynda Köktürkler dönemindeki konumunun ortaya konulup incelenmesi, sosyal bir varlyk ve ailenin bir ferdi olarak hangi süreçleri geçirdi?ini aydynlatan bilimsel veriler sunacaktyr. Yazytlarda hatunun adynyn ka?anyn adyyla beraber zikredilmesi, kadynyn toplum içerisindeki ve devlet yönetimindeki konumuna da i?aret eder. Orhon Âbideleri’nde kadyn aile içinde, kyz evlat, kyz karde?, e? ve gelin konumuyla yer almaktadyr. Cariye kavramy da syk syk geçmekle birlikte cariyelik müessesinin bulundu?una dair net bilgi yoktur. Orhon Âbideleri’nde kadyn dinî-mitolojik bir kimlikle de kar?ymyza çykmaktadyr. Eski Türk inany?ynda ve töresinde ka?an yeryüzünde tanrynyn temsilcisidir. Tanry

Kadyn, aile, kültür, destan, Orhon,


Behiye Köksel 1

Orhon Legends present important knowledges about family institution and women which have been an important element of social institutions. We didn’t find any study about this consept in our study. The role of women in the family and society is stil arguable. This study examines the situation of women and family institution in Köktürk Legends and in those period. In Legends the name of the khatun (wife of a khan) mentioned with khan. This points out the importance of the situation of women in the society and in the state administration. In Orhon Monument women in the family takes place are as a daughter, sister, wife and bride. Although the consept of concuible are mentioned frequently, but there is no clear information about concuibe institution. In Orhon Monument, women are also appeared as a religious-mitologic identy. In the old Turkish belief and custom, khan represents God in the eart. God charged khan and helped him. According to legends, this specialty not only belongs to khan

Women, family, culture, epic, Orhon,



Behiye Köksel (1) (Corresponding Author)

Gaziantep Üniversitesi

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