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Yapylan deneysel çaly?mada katkyly ve katkysyz PP malzemelerin enjeksiyon i?leminde olu?an birle?me izlerinin mekanik davrany?lara etkileri incelenmi?tir. Deneylerde PP ve PP+%30 cam elyaf (CE) malzemeler kullanylmy?tyr. Çaly?mada ayny enjeksiyon kalyby ile tek giri?li-birle?me izsiz daha sonra simetrik çift giri? açylarak birle?me izli çekme ve e?me numuneleri basylmy?tyr. Malzemeler üç farkly proses sycakly?ynda basylmy?tyr. Kalypta so?utma i?lemi homojen olarak tasarlanmy? ve MOLDFLOW programyyla aky? analizi yapylmy?tyr. Birle?me izli ve izsiz numuneler çekme ve e?me deneylerine tabi tutulmu?lardyr. Çaly?ma sonucunda birle?me izsiz numunelere oranla birle?me izli numunelerde çekme ve e?me mukavemetlerinde syrasyyla PP ve PP 30% CE için %11.04 ve 52.81 azalma, e?me dayanymynda ise syrasyyla %23.88 ve 41.14 azalma görülmü?tür. Proses sycakly?ynyn birle?me izinde önemli bir faktör oldu?u, dü?ük sycakly?yn tercih edilmemesinin uygun olaca?y görülmektedir. Ayryca katkyly PP 30% CE malze
cam elyaf,
aky? analizi,
mekanik özellikler,
birle?me izi,
In this study, the effect of weld lines occurred in injection moulded components on mechanical behaviours of PP and PP with 30% glass fiber (GF) materials has been investigated. Two types of specimens were produced; with and without weld line by using single gate and double gate moulds. The range of process temperatures was varied depending on the type of material. The mold was designed to achieve homogenous cooling with the help of Moldflow software. The bending and tensile tests were carried out on the specimens. Tensile strength of the PP and PP+30%GF specimens with weld line decreased by 11.04 and 52.81 % respectively compared to those without weld line. Bending strength of the specimens with weld line decreased by 23.88 and 41.14% for PP and PP+30%GF samples respectively. It was seen that the process temperature is an important parameter affecting weld line property and low temperatures should not be preferred. PP+30%GF samples with weld line is of higher strength than the unrein
Glass fiber,
Flow analysis,
Mechanical properties,
weld line,
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