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tuba yava? 1 , Vehbi Çelik 2
Bu ara?tyrmanyn amacy; Elazy? ili kyrsal alanynda ve kent merkezindeki ilkö?retim okullarynda çaly?an synyf ö?retmenlerinin i? doyumu düzeylerini belirlemek ve kar?yla?tyrmaktyr. Ara?tyrmanyn evrenini, 2006–2007 e?itim-ö?retim yylynda Elazy? ili ilkö?retim okullarynda kent merkezinde çaly?an 1425, kyrsal alanda çaly?an 706 kadrolu synyf ö?retmeni olu?turmaktadyr. Ara?tyrmanyn örneklemine, merkezdeki ilkö?retim okullarynda çaly?an 304, kyrsal alanda çaly?an 251 synyf ö?retmeni alynmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmada, çe?itli i? doyumu ölçeklerinden yararlanylarak olu?turulan “i? doyumu ölçe?i” kullanylmy?tyr. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde “t” ve mann-whitney U testleri uygulanmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma bulgularyna göre, kyrsal alandaki ilkö?retim okullarynda çaly?an synyf ö?retmenleri toplam 4 boyutta daha yüksek i? doyumuna sahiptirler. Y? doyumu düzeyinin en yüksek oldu?u boyut (kyrsal alandaki ö?retmenler için), “birlikte çaly?ylan kimseler”, i? doyumu düzeyinin en dü?ük oldu?u boyut ise (kent merkezindeki ö?ret
Kyrsal alan,
kent merkezi,
ilkö?retim okulu,
synyf ö?retmeni,
i? doyumu,
tuba yava? 1 , Vehbi Çelik 1
In this study, it was aimed to determine general job satisfaction levels of classroom teachers working at urban and rural areas and to make a comparison between these groups. The population of this study consists of classroom teachers (1425 of them in urban areas and 706 of them in rural areas) working in primary schools in Elazy? city in 2006–2007 academic year. The sample of this study consists of 304 teachers working in urban areas and 251 teachers working in rural areas. The job satisfaction questionnaire that was used in this study was developed by the researchers benefited from the various job satisfaction scales. Frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, T-Test and Mann-Whitney-U tests were used to analyze data. According to the results of this study, classroom teachers working in primary schools in rural areas have higher job satisfaction levels in four dimensions. The highest job satisfaction level (for the teachers in rural areas) is determined in the dimension of
Rural area,
urban area,
elementary school,
classroom teacher,
job satisfaction,
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